Thursday, 21 July 2011


Ok so today after coming home from having coffee with a friend there is a letter from INZ on my table which my husband had opened.  It says "further information required."  It says we are missing two radiologist reports, but pointing out that in addition to the forms it's supposed to be a separate letter on the radiologists letterhead!  It doesn't say that anywhere on the medical forms otherwise I would have requested that when I went there not five months later.  In addition, I don't know the lab office will even do that for us, but we did fax them the request and hope that tomorrow the lady will be able to help us.

Then I needed to request a police certificate.  Ok, that part was my fault.  I thought I was only supposed to supply for countries I lived for more than 12 months in the past ten years.  I didn't realise I was supposed to send one from my country of citizenship too.  So spend a good 30 minutes trying to contact them and tell them my request.  They were very nice so I faxed them my request and sent the original as well.  I'm not sure we'll get this paper before we go on holidays next Friday, but I can always hope.

I'm finding it strange I even got assigned a CO if there was paperwork missing.  I wonder if she's aware of these requests as well.  In the meantime, I'm going to try get this lab paper to avoid any delay on our application.

If we get this visa, I'm never moving to another country again.  It is very stressful not having phone contact to be able to ask questions directly and then email sometimes gets misunderstood and waiting days for a response is frustrating.  Again, breath and patience - neither of which I have :p

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