Sunday 29 May 2011

Still waiting....and hoping....

With the last two papers to arrive, I come home each day hoping they have arrived, but of course they haven't.  Our original goal was the end of May, first week in June.  There is still hope, but I'm thinking with my luck they won't arrive for another few weeks.  Deep down I was hoping if I got the papers sent off now, maybe, just maybe we could be                                                                                                                                                     picture from (30/05/2011)
assigned a CO and get an interview this summer holiday and know our answer.  I go back to work teaching in August here, so would have been very nice knowing going back that I wouldn't have to be there an entire year.  Of course I also need time to ask for a leave of absence which is my first plan so I can hold my benefits while moving.
I should probably add that immigration wrote a letter to the doctor's office explaining they are to release my records to me and that it is Australia that does not allow the records be released to their patients.  The next work day the doctor's office called me and I went and picked up both of our medical records.

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