Friday, 2 December 2011

All set, ready to go shortly

Well it'll be a simple move now and nothing else to think about.

Shippers (Interdell) came and shipped our belongings - paid that bill (33,330 kroners roughly).  We did our best to be sure that whatever things we have left here to take with us will fit in our carry on or our 20kg limit.  I'm still thinking of calling Cathay to see if there is anything they can do in regards to our limit especially since we're migrating.  Doubt I'll get anywhere if J didn't get anywhere.

Everyone at work knows now.  I now get to begin work January 12th instead of February 1st which is fine with me since it gives us access to the house immediately.  It turns out water is included in our rent which I love!  We are going to be trying to keep our expenses as low as possible with the least amount of monthly payments at a time.  So the less amount of 5 dollars here and 10 dollars there each month out of our bills will be what we're aiming to do.  We're even thinking instead of renting our appliances that we just buy them and ship them with us whereever we move next time in the country.  This idea of paying out a fee each month and not owning it seems silly.  Of course I'd gladly consider it for leasing a car because then the problem isn't yours if something happens to it and that's an expensive problem compared to appliances.  So we'll see.  So all we really need is internet which turns out you must have a home phone to have that which is horrible.  Also, the internet there isn't supposed to allow you the free amount like we get here so we're going to have to be very careful.  We're both avid internet users and that won't happen.  I guess we're just worried if there's a fee if we go over or if it just slows down.  We're quite happy if it just slows down, but if we have to pay a fee then that'll be a worry.  So again, internet, rent, food, gasoline and I'm presuming there's some odd expenses I'm missing.  If we can get a prepaid phone card for the mobiles we'll be doing that, but we're not having a monthly bill for that.  We live in a small area so as long as we have money on the phone we'll be fine.  At least until we get settled and see where my small salary will get us.  It'll be much easier when John finishes school and he can also get a job.  Then we'll be free, but that is many years away. 

Oh by the way, John reached the 7.0 minimum on the writing test and raised his score on everything else except speaking since that was good anyway!  So he made the requirement to enter into the teaching program.  I'll never forget the day he took that test.  He was so focused for passing the writing part and when he met me after the test he was almost crying saying how he failed because he was so focused he had mixed up the number of words for essay part 1 (even though he had read it) and found that instead of 150, he wrote 250.  So when he got to essay 2, by the end he was rushed for time and had no time to reread his work (which has always been something he needs to work on).  I felt so bad for him because I don't think I'd ever seen him so sad.  He was kicking himself saying that was the only reason he went for the test - everything else he has no problem with.  Well the 13 day waiting period was very long this time and I was at work when he called me up saying "Yes, Yes, Yes!"  I was too nervous to jump to any conclusions as I had just called him about 5 minutes before to ask if the results were in the post and they weren't.  Apparently, it got dropped in the post late and after I called.  Oh my goodness what a relief it was since at least he now meets the requirements to get in.  Hopefully now they make a real offer compared to a "Conditional Offer" which he has had all along.

Our next step to think about is whether he will travel this crazy distance of two hours a day to school and home from school or study distance.  We know the 1st term he will travel as it would be of a benefit to him.  I joked and told him to make friends so maybe he can stay with someone the days he has school and then come home after the days.  We simply can't afford to rent two places.  We know this isn't the best option, but it's what we need to do.  It also comes down to getting free money from the government of his birth which allows him to get quite a sum IF he studies at the university and not distance.  Not really sure how they would know he's studying distance unless whoever does the letter for him clearly puts that it's a distance course.  So even though that money would pretty much be going towards the gasoline, it's still not money we need to fork out if they continue paying which would allow him to be at the university and hear the lectures rather than trying to do everything at home himself.  He's sending in all that paperwork now to get it approved.  I'd also like him to experience the university itself (and I'm sure he is thinking this way too).

Who knows, maybe later on I can apply for a job closer to North Palmerston so we can live there instead, but right now we're staying where we are first because it's part of why we got the visa so we do need to show that I've taken up the job with immigration and 2nd since this job did consider hiring someone from abroad I want to show that it was worth their while considering this.  I mean we are so lucky to land us into a job with a house attached.  Now if the house were free it would really be worth it ..... hehehe

Well I think now that this is no longer a secret I'm going to open up the blog again for public reading.  I kept it private for a while until everything was public knowledge where I am .... just in case.

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