Saturday, 31 December 2011

Tomorrow is the day!

Well we are packed (over the limit by 3 kilos I will add and just hoping not to be charged a fee) and the taxi is picking us up at 14.30.  Our flight isn't until 18.50, but we'll be there early as we've been waiting for this day to come for a long time.

I'm very excited about starting the new job, though a bit apprehensive too as John will have to live where the university.  We are determined to make it work so it will work.

It was sadder than I thought saying goodbye to my friends here.  I mean I knew I'd miss them, but it was a bit teary-eyed for a few who I've known almost the entire time I've lived here and kept regular contact with.  I'll miss the two little girls of my friend as I've known the youngest one since 6 months old and the older one since she was born. I've slept over a lot at their place, been travelling with them, gone skiing with them and it was even better when John came into the picture because he got along great with them and was able to entertain them even more! 

Now we have a new life to look forward to and get settled in and I'm looking forward to when we really do get settled which I know will take time.  It'll be exciting to get used to all the new things there and our new home and my new job and John's new school.  Hopefully the 4 years for him go fast!  It feels a long way away right now, but I know time flies.

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