Well we are packed (over the limit by 3 kilos I will add and just hoping not to be charged a fee) and the taxi is picking us up at 14.30. Our flight isn't until 18.50, but we'll be there early as we've been waiting for this day to come for a long time.
I'm very excited about starting the new job, though a bit apprehensive too as John will have to live where the university. We are determined to make it work so it will work.
It was sadder than I thought saying goodbye to my friends here. I mean I knew I'd miss them, but it was a bit teary-eyed for a few who I've known almost the entire time I've lived here and kept regular contact with. I'll miss the two little girls of my friend as I've known the youngest one since 6 months old and the older one since she was born. I've slept over a lot at their place, been travelling with them, gone skiing with them and it was even better when John came into the picture because he got along great with them and was able to entertain them even more!
Now we have a new life to look forward to and get settled in and I'm looking forward to when we really do get settled which I know will take time. It'll be exciting to get used to all the new things there and our new home and my new job and John's new school. Hopefully the 4 years for him go fast! It feels a long way away right now, but I know time flies.
We are a family of two who had a dream to move to New Zealand and we finally made it there, tried it, but decided Sweden was home for us.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Sunday, 18 December 2011
I've not forgotten to write....
There hasn't been much news so I've not written here. I've met some of my friends for the last time and said goodbye. It's not hard for us because neither of our family are from here even if I've lived here for the past 11 years and made some good friends. It isn't the same as some people who have been living close to their family the past however many years. We are not in that situation. J's family lives in Denmark, an hour flight away, but we usually only go there at Christmas. My family is divided between Ireland and the U.S., but again, I do not travel to either place so often. When we do decide to travel we choose places that we can enjoy and try to pick a new country each time. Now with this huge trip I think our travels will be put on hold for quite a while.
We've now also come to realise that although we though for J to travel back and forth between school and home would be possible (even if extremely long), we now see this is not going to be realistic. So to prepare ourselves he has gotten in contact with some people who are renting rooms close to where he will study. He's had quite a few responses and he has chosen the cheapest due to me being the only one to bring income into the family. This means I will be on my own in our house Monday afternoon - Friday morning as he will come home Friday evening. I'm not so thrilled with this idea, BUT I know we need to start like this and get settled and then see what else falls into place. The school is not offering distance courses so that is not an option. On a good note, J did the interview with the school via skype and I was so impressed with his answers. I could only hear his side of the interview, but it sounded great. He heard his official answer two days later and it was of course a yes! We were a bit nervous thinking what if, but we didn't need to worry. So we'll just have to take this one step at a time and let him start school and see how it goes with this travelling bit. At least I'll have him with me almost one month before he has to go to school. Then it'll be two months for me to continue (minimum) for immigration requirements, then I'm free to stay where I am or go onwards.
We only have a few weeks left and every laptop we have just seems to be breaking down. I will be asking my job if I can buyout the one I have since I just love it and a new one costs a fortune which we can't really afford to buy now if we don't have to. I will ask tomorrow, but I'm not counting on it being a yes simply because they are new to the school (bought within the past year) and I just can't see them agreeing. On the other hand, you never know.
For Christmas we're celebrating with friends and their two little girls, the same ones we went to Poland this summer with. They have been so good to me all the years I lived here so this year I decided to get them an extra nice gift as well as the girls. Normally we just get the girls a gift, but with us leaving, we wanted to do something special for them too. I love the gift I picked out (a coffee/cappuccino/expresso/hot chocolate/tea maker with the special packages you buy to put in the machine. We bought two different kinds of packages to get them started too. For the girls we bought them a board game which we loved playing in Poland this summer with them, but their game is always in Poland and now they'll have the updated/bigger version for when they are here. At least we have something to play together for Christmas! I can't wait - I think I'm a bigger child than they are.
We have solved all the errands we needed to take care of on this side. We will only have 2 bills to pay once we've left, but we've signed up where they take it out of our account themselves. I'm going to try get rid of my visa card (one less cost) since as long as I have internet banking I won't need the card. Just have to remember to get to the bank to ask about it. Trying to get us to have a joint account in this country was the most difficult thing to do - apparently it's not common here. We simply didn't want to keep paying the cost of two accounts when we've moved since there'll be no need.
So, we're all excited about our move and it seems everything is falling into place and hopefully for the best. Since we applied all the teaching categories are gone from the lists so we were lucky to get in when we did!
We've now also come to realise that although we though for J to travel back and forth between school and home would be possible (even if extremely long), we now see this is not going to be realistic. So to prepare ourselves he has gotten in contact with some people who are renting rooms close to where he will study. He's had quite a few responses and he has chosen the cheapest due to me being the only one to bring income into the family. This means I will be on my own in our house Monday afternoon - Friday morning as he will come home Friday evening. I'm not so thrilled with this idea, BUT I know we need to start like this and get settled and then see what else falls into place. The school is not offering distance courses so that is not an option. On a good note, J did the interview with the school via skype and I was so impressed with his answers. I could only hear his side of the interview, but it sounded great. He heard his official answer two days later and it was of course a yes! We were a bit nervous thinking what if, but we didn't need to worry. So we'll just have to take this one step at a time and let him start school and see how it goes with this travelling bit. At least I'll have him with me almost one month before he has to go to school. Then it'll be two months for me to continue (minimum) for immigration requirements, then I'm free to stay where I am or go onwards.
We only have a few weeks left and every laptop we have just seems to be breaking down. I will be asking my job if I can buyout the one I have since I just love it and a new one costs a fortune which we can't really afford to buy now if we don't have to. I will ask tomorrow, but I'm not counting on it being a yes simply because they are new to the school (bought within the past year) and I just can't see them agreeing. On the other hand, you never know.
For Christmas we're celebrating with friends and their two little girls, the same ones we went to Poland this summer with. They have been so good to me all the years I lived here so this year I decided to get them an extra nice gift as well as the girls. Normally we just get the girls a gift, but with us leaving, we wanted to do something special for them too. I love the gift I picked out (a coffee/cappuccino/expresso/hot chocolate/tea maker with the special packages you buy to put in the machine. We bought two different kinds of packages to get them started too. For the girls we bought them a board game which we loved playing in Poland this summer with them, but their game is always in Poland and now they'll have the updated/bigger version for when they are here. At least we have something to play together for Christmas! I can't wait - I think I'm a bigger child than they are.
We have solved all the errands we needed to take care of on this side. We will only have 2 bills to pay once we've left, but we've signed up where they take it out of our account themselves. I'm going to try get rid of my visa card (one less cost) since as long as I have internet banking I won't need the card. Just have to remember to get to the bank to ask about it. Trying to get us to have a joint account in this country was the most difficult thing to do - apparently it's not common here. We simply didn't want to keep paying the cost of two accounts when we've moved since there'll be no need.
So, we're all excited about our move and it seems everything is falling into place and hopefully for the best. Since we applied all the teaching categories are gone from the lists so we were lucky to get in when we did!
Friday, 2 December 2011
All set, ready to go shortly
Well it'll be a simple move now and nothing else to think about.
Shippers (Interdell) came and shipped our belongings - paid that bill (33,330 kroners roughly). We did our best to be sure that whatever things we have left here to take with us will fit in our carry on or our 20kg limit. I'm still thinking of calling Cathay to see if there is anything they can do in regards to our limit especially since we're migrating. Doubt I'll get anywhere if J didn't get anywhere.
Everyone at work knows now. I now get to begin work January 12th instead of February 1st which is fine with me since it gives us access to the house immediately. It turns out water is included in our rent which I love! We are going to be trying to keep our expenses as low as possible with the least amount of monthly payments at a time. So the less amount of 5 dollars here and 10 dollars there each month out of our bills will be what we're aiming to do. We're even thinking instead of renting our appliances that we just buy them and ship them with us whereever we move next time in the country. This idea of paying out a fee each month and not owning it seems silly. Of course I'd gladly consider it for leasing a car because then the problem isn't yours if something happens to it and that's an expensive problem compared to appliances. So we'll see. So all we really need is internet which turns out you must have a home phone to have that which is horrible. Also, the internet there isn't supposed to allow you the free amount like we get here so we're going to have to be very careful. We're both avid internet users and that won't happen. I guess we're just worried if there's a fee if we go over or if it just slows down. We're quite happy if it just slows down, but if we have to pay a fee then that'll be a worry. So again, internet, rent, food, gasoline and I'm presuming there's some odd expenses I'm missing. If we can get a prepaid phone card for the mobiles we'll be doing that, but we're not having a monthly bill for that. We live in a small area so as long as we have money on the phone we'll be fine. At least until we get settled and see where my small salary will get us. It'll be much easier when John finishes school and he can also get a job. Then we'll be free, but that is many years away.
Oh by the way, John reached the 7.0 minimum on the writing test and raised his score on everything else except speaking since that was good anyway! So he made the requirement to enter into the teaching program. I'll never forget the day he took that test. He was so focused for passing the writing part and when he met me after the test he was almost crying saying how he failed because he was so focused he had mixed up the number of words for essay part 1 (even though he had read it) and found that instead of 150, he wrote 250. So when he got to essay 2, by the end he was rushed for time and had no time to reread his work (which has always been something he needs to work on). I felt so bad for him because I don't think I'd ever seen him so sad. He was kicking himself saying that was the only reason he went for the test - everything else he has no problem with. Well the 13 day waiting period was very long this time and I was at work when he called me up saying "Yes, Yes, Yes!" I was too nervous to jump to any conclusions as I had just called him about 5 minutes before to ask if the results were in the post and they weren't. Apparently, it got dropped in the post late and after I called. Oh my goodness what a relief it was since at least he now meets the requirements to get in. Hopefully now they make a real offer compared to a "Conditional Offer" which he has had all along.
Our next step to think about is whether he will travel this crazy distance of two hours a day to school and home from school or study distance. We know the 1st term he will travel as it would be of a benefit to him. I joked and told him to make friends so maybe he can stay with someone the days he has school and then come home after the days. We simply can't afford to rent two places. We know this isn't the best option, but it's what we need to do. It also comes down to getting free money from the government of his birth which allows him to get quite a sum IF he studies at the university and not distance. Not really sure how they would know he's studying distance unless whoever does the letter for him clearly puts that it's a distance course. So even though that money would pretty much be going towards the gasoline, it's still not money we need to fork out if they continue paying which would allow him to be at the university and hear the lectures rather than trying to do everything at home himself. He's sending in all that paperwork now to get it approved. I'd also like him to experience the university itself (and I'm sure he is thinking this way too).
Who knows, maybe later on I can apply for a job closer to North Palmerston so we can live there instead, but right now we're staying where we are first because it's part of why we got the visa so we do need to show that I've taken up the job with immigration and 2nd since this job did consider hiring someone from abroad I want to show that it was worth their while considering this. I mean we are so lucky to land us into a job with a house attached. Now if the house were free it would really be worth it ..... hehehe
Well I think now that this is no longer a secret I'm going to open up the blog again for public reading. I kept it private for a while until everything was public knowledge where I am .... just in case.
Shippers (Interdell) came and shipped our belongings - paid that bill (33,330 kroners roughly). We did our best to be sure that whatever things we have left here to take with us will fit in our carry on or our 20kg limit. I'm still thinking of calling Cathay to see if there is anything they can do in regards to our limit especially since we're migrating. Doubt I'll get anywhere if J didn't get anywhere.
Everyone at work knows now. I now get to begin work January 12th instead of February 1st which is fine with me since it gives us access to the house immediately. It turns out water is included in our rent which I love! We are going to be trying to keep our expenses as low as possible with the least amount of monthly payments at a time. So the less amount of 5 dollars here and 10 dollars there each month out of our bills will be what we're aiming to do. We're even thinking instead of renting our appliances that we just buy them and ship them with us whereever we move next time in the country. This idea of paying out a fee each month and not owning it seems silly. Of course I'd gladly consider it for leasing a car because then the problem isn't yours if something happens to it and that's an expensive problem compared to appliances. So we'll see. So all we really need is internet which turns out you must have a home phone to have that which is horrible. Also, the internet there isn't supposed to allow you the free amount like we get here so we're going to have to be very careful. We're both avid internet users and that won't happen. I guess we're just worried if there's a fee if we go over or if it just slows down. We're quite happy if it just slows down, but if we have to pay a fee then that'll be a worry. So again, internet, rent, food, gasoline and I'm presuming there's some odd expenses I'm missing. If we can get a prepaid phone card for the mobiles we'll be doing that, but we're not having a monthly bill for that. We live in a small area so as long as we have money on the phone we'll be fine. At least until we get settled and see where my small salary will get us. It'll be much easier when John finishes school and he can also get a job. Then we'll be free, but that is many years away.
Oh by the way, John reached the 7.0 minimum on the writing test and raised his score on everything else except speaking since that was good anyway! So he made the requirement to enter into the teaching program. I'll never forget the day he took that test. He was so focused for passing the writing part and when he met me after the test he was almost crying saying how he failed because he was so focused he had mixed up the number of words for essay part 1 (even though he had read it) and found that instead of 150, he wrote 250. So when he got to essay 2, by the end he was rushed for time and had no time to reread his work (which has always been something he needs to work on). I felt so bad for him because I don't think I'd ever seen him so sad. He was kicking himself saying that was the only reason he went for the test - everything else he has no problem with. Well the 13 day waiting period was very long this time and I was at work when he called me up saying "Yes, Yes, Yes!" I was too nervous to jump to any conclusions as I had just called him about 5 minutes before to ask if the results were in the post and they weren't. Apparently, it got dropped in the post late and after I called. Oh my goodness what a relief it was since at least he now meets the requirements to get in. Hopefully now they make a real offer compared to a "Conditional Offer" which he has had all along.
Our next step to think about is whether he will travel this crazy distance of two hours a day to school and home from school or study distance. We know the 1st term he will travel as it would be of a benefit to him. I joked and told him to make friends so maybe he can stay with someone the days he has school and then come home after the days. We simply can't afford to rent two places. We know this isn't the best option, but it's what we need to do. It also comes down to getting free money from the government of his birth which allows him to get quite a sum IF he studies at the university and not distance. Not really sure how they would know he's studying distance unless whoever does the letter for him clearly puts that it's a distance course. So even though that money would pretty much be going towards the gasoline, it's still not money we need to fork out if they continue paying which would allow him to be at the university and hear the lectures rather than trying to do everything at home himself. He's sending in all that paperwork now to get it approved. I'd also like him to experience the university itself (and I'm sure he is thinking this way too).
Who knows, maybe later on I can apply for a job closer to North Palmerston so we can live there instead, but right now we're staying where we are first because it's part of why we got the visa so we do need to show that I've taken up the job with immigration and 2nd since this job did consider hiring someone from abroad I want to show that it was worth their while considering this. I mean we are so lucky to land us into a job with a house attached. Now if the house were free it would really be worth it ..... hehehe
Well I think now that this is no longer a secret I'm going to open up the blog again for public reading. I kept it private for a while until everything was public knowledge where I am .... just in case.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Flights booked
We had been keeping an eye on the cost of flights and we decided to book the cheapest flight we found which leaves on December 31st in the evening! We're going with Cathay Pacific and we're only allowed 20 kilos per person (NO more!) and one carry on. So we've had to really limit what we can bring with us. I can't believe it has come this far. We will stay in a cheap motel for one week when we arrive. The plan is to go and show our documents to get access to our bank account, get our tax number, buy a car (which I'm dreading so I hope it's not painful) and see about trading in the driver's licenses. Then we plan to go camping at a reasonably priced camping area in Tauranga until we get access to the house. Since we still don't know when we can get access to the house, we don't know how long we can book the camping place for.
Now I'm working on keeping my medical benefits here which is proving to be a bit tricky, but I won't worry about that for too long.
We have something else in the picture too, but that will be staying out of the picture for at least another few months so we can focus on this move first.
Our news of moving will become public knowledge (to my current class and parents) this Friday. OH can't wait to post it on facebook. Then this no longer has to be a secret.
Now I will start writing to the housing company to see if I can push them into providing me any sort of answer as to when we can have access to the house. Fingers crossed me writing directly can get somewhere.
Now I'm working on keeping my medical benefits here which is proving to be a bit tricky, but I won't worry about that for too long.
We have something else in the picture too, but that will be staying out of the picture for at least another few months so we can focus on this move first.
Our news of moving will become public knowledge (to my current class and parents) this Friday. OH can't wait to post it on facebook. Then this no longer has to be a secret.
Now I will start writing to the housing company to see if I can push them into providing me any sort of answer as to when we can have access to the house. Fingers crossed me writing directly can get somewhere.
Approved in "Principle"
Wow, the decision is finally made and the exact words are "Approved in Principle." Let me explain in detail.
I can't believe I'm writing this now.... finally. Of course I wrote to my immigration officer two weeks ago on the Friday to ask if she received the missing paper and she said she didn't. I asked if she could confirm when she received it so I could breathe a sigh of relief. Last week started... no news Monday, no news Tuesday, Wednesday I wrote another mail to ask and say I was now worried, should I request another copy. I received a mail back saying the missing paper had arrived and now she had made a decision and forwarded it on to another officer with her decision. She would write back with the official decision when it was made. It was the shortest mail with no hint of what kind of decision. So Thursday I received an automated response from immigration that my status was updated online. I logged in and it said there "Approved." I wrote a mail to confirm saying I didn't want to jump to any conclusions with an automated reply saying she was out of the office until Friday (you can imagine holding my feelings in check until I really knew). Friday came and I did get an email saying, "Yes, in principle you're approved." All I thought was why can't it just say approved and leave out the principle part since I started then wondering what does that mean. However, research on the Friday confirmed that it means approved. I then received the paperwork stating that I just needed to pay the migrant fee. They are already sitting with our passports so I immediately emailed my signed copy for them to take the migrant fee. That she confirmed was ok to do!
OH will retake the IELTS and is hoping to get a 7.0 on the writing part of the test for University.
OH will retake the IELTS and is hoping to get a 7.0 on the writing part of the test for University.
I'd like to add we've everything packed we want to take with us and had Crown relocations here today to give us a quote. They estimate we will need 8 cubic metres of a box to fit what we want to take with us so now we're waiting what they will charge us for that. Another place called Interdell will come on Wednesday to give us a quote. I thought packing would be a bit more fun (ha-ha), but was so much harder trying to bargain in what we have to have, don't want to re-buy and simply just want to bring with us.
I've also written last week to ask if they could now set us up for the house and provide us any information we need for it so we can provide an address to the shippers, but no email from them either so I'm just going to call them tonight my time since we want to aim to have our belongings there when we arrive or close to it. (Did call since this is being written after the fact and waiting for the papers to be emailed for signing).
My next comment I'd like to make is about airlines and how much luggage you're allowed to bring with you. We've checked every airline and all of the airlines only allow you 1 bag per person, charging per kilo for any additional luggage so no set price if you bring an extra case so we don't know what to do in that department. We wrote to Singapore airlines to see about unaccompanied baggage, cost and do we need to pack in suitcases if shipping as unaccompanied baggage or in suitcases (maybe someone else here has done this and knows how it works and roughly the cost). They haven't answered my mail yet. (Called them today and they've agreed to allow 7 kilos per person extra for free so great we can now take 27 kilos instead of 20!).
Now I'm waiting on my current job to see how it will work with them so this can go smoothly through. I've no words really to describe all the feelings in this process. Seems like you leave one set of waiting to enter into another, but I suppose once the living is taken care of at this point we can move onwards. (Again, since this is written after the fact, it all worked out with my current job – couldn’t have been more pleased and they won’t ever know how thankful I am to them, as I genuinely am).
credit for picture from: http://www.teaandsnippets.com/tag/kid-things-i-am-thankful-for
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Slowly getting there..... now just waiting for the decision
Well the missing paper got sent from New Zealand exactly two weeks ago to immigration. I checked with immigration on Friday and they still didn't have it. I decided to try be patient and give it until today, but I still hadn't hear from my case worker so I wrote. The reply, yes they did get it (I've no idea when) and it's now been passed on with her decision to a 2nd colleague (no idea what that decision is, but I can only guess it's hopefully a yes) and when that colleague checks it and gives it back, she will inform me of the decision. So now it's the real wait! No more paperwork we can give in as of now and we're just waiting. Now we feel we can technically at least start to pack the stuff we don't need. We've even called our tv company to give in our notice there as it's 3 months notice they need and we need to be sure we get that done in time. So I was hoping to see by the mail what kind of decision they are leaning towards, but no hint, no clue, nothing. But that's ok since now I don't need to worry about anything I need to do on my part now. It's all up to immigration. The good thing is when I do know I can go into my boss. They have had a heads up that we're looking to do this, but I haven't been able to confirm anything since I don't know anything. Wow it really feels like this process sometimes will never end so we'll be very relieved when it does as I'm so excited to begin the real planning and organising. I want to be able to ask to get my name on the list for the apartment so we know what we'll have and get an address. So many things I'm looking forward to, buying a car NOT being one of them, but we will have to due to where we will live. But, I'm focusing only on the good things because since I've been through a move before I remember going in to my first move saying "I'm going to make this work" and nomatter how many times people told me about the cold, I was determined not to let things like that bother me. That being said, yes it's cold, but houses and apartments are so well built here that you don't need firewood like I'm hearing you do in NZ. Again, we will make it work and do fine so I'm excited and nervous just waiting for a decision. Of course, as one of the members from the NZ forum says "where is the crystal ball?" I really want to know when we'll get this answer. Well I know I won't get it from writing, but at least writing is getting the question I won't ask anyone else out loud written down :)
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Too early for news yet
Last Tuesday, I received an email from our case working mentioning she received our passports, but is still waiting on the signed missing paper. Tuesday evening I wrote to the centre to ask if they received my signed missing paper and if they could send it registered post if they hadn't already sent it. They replied that they had received it and were getting it in the post today. So I immediately wrote back to immigration so she'd know. I also asked her to please tell me when it arrives.
So I'm thinking how long can the post take from NZ to London and then how long it takes for the London office to open the post and pass on the contract to my case worker. I'm really hoping by this Wednesday she will have the signed missing paper. Then I'm estimating another two weeks from there to get the final answer. So really all in all I'm really hoping by the middle of October to have an answer. Then we can get on with the real planning and thought process which will be the more exciting part. So much to do and I'm looking forward to every bit of it! My husband it so excited and can't wait. I'm keeping it all in check somewhat until we get a final answer.
This weekend however, I did go through the box of books I packed and thought we'd take with us and I got copies of the books for my reader instead and decided to give all the books away, keeping only those books I'd be sad not to have kept which left giving away at least 50+ books and keeping about 10. We do have a moving company coming to give us a quote in two weeks so I'm hoping we can pack some things so we can get a realistic quote. We already have one quote from a company, but they haven't visited us yet so I'm hoping their quote is a realistic one as well. We first thought we'd buy everything there, but considering there are some things I want to keep and considering the house we will get will be unfurnished, we decided it would be cheaper just to get our things shipped. I'm quite happy about that considering it took me a long time when I moved into the apartment I'm living in to go ahead and get the leather (fake, but very very comfortable) sofa I always wanted, the biggest bed possible which also took many hours thinking what to get, but knowing I always wanted the biggest there was and the thought to give them up and start over again was a bit disappointing. But - no need to worry about that anymore. They will travel with us :)
So I'm hoping the next time I write on this immigration will confirm they will have received my contract and then it's only the answer we're waiting on.
So I'm thinking how long can the post take from NZ to London and then how long it takes for the London office to open the post and pass on the contract to my case worker. I'm really hoping by this Wednesday she will have the signed missing paper. Then I'm estimating another two weeks from there to get the final answer. So really all in all I'm really hoping by the middle of October to have an answer. Then we can get on with the real planning and thought process which will be the more exciting part. So much to do and I'm looking forward to every bit of it! My husband it so excited and can't wait. I'm keeping it all in check somewhat until we get a final answer.
This weekend however, I did go through the box of books I packed and thought we'd take with us and I got copies of the books for my reader instead and decided to give all the books away, keeping only those books I'd be sad not to have kept which left giving away at least 50+ books and keeping about 10. We do have a moving company coming to give us a quote in two weeks so I'm hoping we can pack some things so we can get a realistic quote. We already have one quote from a company, but they haven't visited us yet so I'm hoping their quote is a realistic one as well. We first thought we'd buy everything there, but considering there are some things I want to keep and considering the house we will get will be unfurnished, we decided it would be cheaper just to get our things shipped. I'm quite happy about that considering it took me a long time when I moved into the apartment I'm living in to go ahead and get the leather (fake, but very very comfortable) sofa I always wanted, the biggest bed possible which also took many hours thinking what to get, but knowing I always wanted the biggest there was and the thought to give them up and start over again was a bit disappointing. But - no need to worry about that anymore. They will travel with us :)
So I'm hoping the next time I write on this immigration will confirm they will have received my contract and then it's only the answer we're waiting on.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Getting closer and just have to be patient...
I will feel relieved when I know immigration is sitting with this final paper they need to make a final decision. It always seems I'm one paper too short. However, the one paper this time is out of my hands and on it's way over the ocean to get signed and then sent to immigration from there.
In the meantime I was able to find out it's a house we will be getting at low cost. It will be not furnished. I just hope the appliances come with it though. I don't want to ask too many questions on it until I have a definite yes in our hands. I want to be so careful to keep things in check until we have a definite yes. Once we get a yes, it'll be bank account, tax number, packing, shipping and I can't wait to get to this step.
So let's hope this paper can hurry it's way through the system!
In the meantime I was able to find out it's a house we will be getting at low cost. It will be not furnished. I just hope the appliances come with it though. I don't want to ask too many questions on it until I have a definite yes in our hands. I want to be so careful to keep things in check until we have a definite yes. Once we get a yes, it'll be bank account, tax number, packing, shipping and I can't wait to get to this step.
So let's hope this paper can hurry it's way through the system!
Friday, 16 September 2011
I do....... I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
The title alone should remind you that I dare. Something finally came through for February and it's handed in on time to immigration so we won't have to start this tortuous procedure over from the beginning. I really didn't think it would happen, but it did. They have an apartment at a low cost for us that we can apply for. Wow I can't believe we really can start thinking about this for real! Once I let me current job know, then I can be more open here, but until then things will have to remain cryptic for safety measures as you never know.....
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Do I dare?....
Do I dare write an update without any confirmation yet.... no. Something is in the works and I will update shortly....
Monday, 5 September 2011
and it didn't happen.....
Well that job interview I was so hoping on didn't happen. I didn't get a reply until the morning she was supposed to do the interview where she pointed out she was out of the office (if I hadn't noticed) and unfortunately if they were to hire someone it would be someone already there. How sad I was and also shocked to be honest since I thought out of courtesy I would have been informed a little in advance rather than having to suffer that week.
In the meantime, fingers crossed immigration has not officially denied our application yet and I'm still hoping they will hold on to it since I've applied for a ton of job openings. One has gotten back about a skype interview, but it's not confirmed and won't be for a few weeks. This time I'm not getting hopes up based on previous experience, but I am hoping a job will come through at some point. The only difference may be I might have to start the visa process all over from the beginning and go through the whole thing again.... However, it'll all be worth it if we make it where we want to live in the end.
In the meantime, fingers crossed immigration has not officially denied our application yet and I'm still hoping they will hold on to it since I've applied for a ton of job openings. One has gotten back about a skype interview, but it's not confirmed and won't be for a few weeks. This time I'm not getting hopes up based on previous experience, but I am hoping a job will come through at some point. The only difference may be I might have to start the visa process all over from the beginning and go through the whole thing again.... However, it'll all be worth it if we make it where we want to live in the end.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
please, please, please.....
I finally heard from a childcare centre willing to give me a skype interview. I phoned just so they could hear my voice and see my seriousness. She seemed positive, but did mention normally they like people to come into their centres. I offered to fly, but she said no it wasn't necessary. The next morning the email gave a preliminary date for a skype interview for next Wednesday (much later than I hoped), but also mentioned how nervous the managers were about hiring someone they never met. I went from being on a high for having a possible chance to feeling so sad. It doesn't mean my chance is over as until they say no I feel I have a chance, but still, not a good note. I am hoping I can convince them through the skype that it is a good decision (and that's of course since I know I'll do a good job). I wrote an email back offering again to fly saying I would hate to lose the opportunity due to a flight, but I haven't gotten a response and it's a bit too late to fly now since I go back to work soon.
Another childcare centre said they'd get back to me next week if they still have a position I can pursue. A third childcare centre said they couldn't offer me an early interview as I requested one earlier than their deadline for applying, but said they would offer me a skype interview. Now the longer this takes, the longer it will take for a visa to get issued which I don't mind, but these places are looking for someone now.
On a good note, John got into the correct teaching test on August 13th. He was on standby and got in. So at least if a job offer comes through for me, he will have the correct results by the 26th of August - close to our deadline for the visa application, but again it's the job offer that's more important. Hopefully, we could get an extension if I had the job offer, but his results weren't back yet.
I'm just crossing my nervous legs and fingers and it's so tough being on a holiday without having access to my own internet and worrying if someone will write. We're supposed to be going to the country on Saturday for a week with no internet access. Obviously I'd have to get back into town if I will be having an interview by skype next Wednesday, but I still need to be able to check my mail in case other places reply as well.
I'm hoping one of these times I write, I will have secured a job offer and be able to move to New Zealand. Time is ticking on our visa and I can't imagine not being able to make it into NZ.
Another childcare centre said they'd get back to me next week if they still have a position I can pursue. A third childcare centre said they couldn't offer me an early interview as I requested one earlier than their deadline for applying, but said they would offer me a skype interview. Now the longer this takes, the longer it will take for a visa to get issued which I don't mind, but these places are looking for someone now.
On a good note, John got into the correct teaching test on August 13th. He was on standby and got in. So at least if a job offer comes through for me, he will have the correct results by the 26th of August - close to our deadline for the visa application, but again it's the job offer that's more important. Hopefully, we could get an extension if I had the job offer, but his results weren't back yet.
I'm just crossing my nervous legs and fingers and it's so tough being on a holiday without having access to my own internet and worrying if someone will write. We're supposed to be going to the country on Saturday for a week with no internet access. Obviously I'd have to get back into town if I will be having an interview by skype next Wednesday, but I still need to be able to check my mail in case other places reply as well.
I'm hoping one of these times I write, I will have secured a job offer and be able to move to New Zealand. Time is ticking on our visa and I can't imagine not being able to make it into NZ.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
ok .... hypothetically
Well I've spent the past week spending I don't know how many hours a day sending my cv, rewriting to people who had given positive feedback and I made a few calls .... not many, but a few.
We have spent the past week discussing the student visa, but OH's writing score is 2 points below the mark to get into the teaching degree at the universities and he doesn't want to go under the one the university suggested since it's not a teaching degree, but would qualify him subject wise in one subject. I tried to suggest he switch out once we get settled or to retake the correct test which would also be the correct test for immigration anyways.
I'm more for going for the student visa since I can get a working visa out of it, but OH feels it's too much money to fork out and not worth it. He's also afraid we won't have enough money to show immigration. Apparently we would need to pay the 1st year fees of university (international fees) and he has to show 10000 per year the degree is so roughly another 30000 (if it's the 3 year degree) and then it's questionable how much money he has to show for me. We've called immigration two times and can't get an answer on what we should calculate for. I guess they don't really want to put a number on it and decide it individually, but we can't afford to pay the school fee and then not get the visa. We might just make the bare mark, but I think we'd make it. I even thought if I could go on a student visa and do the one year ECE degree which then qualifies me in the correct category this time, but then what will OH do for that year?
Putting aside the student visa for a bit, I did hear from two Early Childhood Centres. One wrote and asked me to send copies of my NZQA assessment and NZTC registration. I took that as a good sign, but maybe it's common they ask for all applicants. I scanned them and emailed them directly back. Then I decided to follow up with a phone call that I felt went well, but it wasn't this lady hiring. She did ask a lot of questions though which might be good. Apparently the area is in the middle of nowhere, but I said we'd be happy with that (which we would - we won't dare complain if we can get any offer), and it seems to have a great benefit package. She did ask when I could move as their teacher was leaving in August. Well that sure is a tricky question for me. I said possibly the end of August as I know that's how long our ITA has been extended to in order to give us more time. The tricky part is I already am a teacher in a job with 3 months notice I have to give. I am not sure they would really let me go with such short notice. The only part I might have on my side is if I get an answer if I get the job before I actually get the class I'm supposed to teach because I know my job would probably me rather not start teaching a class if there's a chance I leave in the middle, but then again they might not care. So I'd be at the mercy of my boss and would have to beg to leave. Of course I'd also try to see how long the employer would hold out, but it seems August was the date they were talking about. Of course this is all hypotetical. I got no indication they were seriously considering me. I did write in my letter that if I was a serious candidate and all it took was to meet me to make a decision I would fly there.
Now we're off on holidays tomorrow running the risk a job comes through asking me to fly there. I'm willing of course to do it if that's the deciding point, but of course then comes the worry how I get out of my contract here. I even started thinking (of course not seriously, but still it ran through my head in a panic), can they chase me out of the country if I just leave?
The other Early Childcare centre is better located - Wellington. They asked me to fill in an application pack which I received or saw in my mail today with an apology note it was late. Well I didn't know it was late as I'm sent my cv to so many places I can't keep track. I figured I'd read thoroughly up on them if they show an interest in interviewing me. Of course I've read up on the teaching curriculum since that's my area for any job I've applied for. So I sent the package back, again scanned in and emailed with a letter explaining why I would be good for their organisation. I wrote a reminder if I could hear from them during the week if I was a serious candidate I would gladly fly there, but I'd have to do it before I went back to work and I gave the date.
So there's lots of worries in this process - worries what if I do get called to go on an interview as I will be going by myself, what if I get the job how do I manage to tell my boss I've been given this ultimatum with the visa and hope he can understand and let me go, what if I do go and don't get the job the amount of money that was spent which could have been put towards the studying visa, etc, etc.
When OH and I first discussed the student visa the plan was I'd go in and ask my boss to take a leave of absence for one year in January or in worse case June. Then we started calculating and we're not sure we can show immigration we have enough funds. Like I said I know OH is also thinking the course is simply too much.
You know I even looked at Australia thinking what if I can get in there and later move to New Zealand even though NZ is where we want. But no, apparently there's only two choices on their application which doesn't allow you to go further and that was when it came to work experience. Again, I have the points, but there you must be in this category and primary school teachers are not it.
So we're off tomorrow for what is supposed to be a 12 day trip and I don't know whether to hope a job asks me to fly to NZ or not. I don't know if it's rude to and ask (that is if I'm asked to fly) if I'm a candidate that they want to hire and this is the deciding factor, because then I'll gladly do it, but if I'm just one in a bunch of applicants they already have and it's procedure then it's too much money to fork out for a last minute trip. I might not have to even worry about making this kind of decision - who knows.
By the time I go back to work any mails that come asking me to come for an interview just won't be possible to follow up on since I can't ask for time off work. Well I could, but I think I'll have to see if I can get OH to go for the student visa instead. Our other thought was ask tell my boss now that our plan for next summer is to visit NZ and since we are considering to live there, I want to look for a job. Then to ask permission if I found a job would he consider letting me out of my contract "early." This way he's being told a year in advance what we want to do and can have a heads up. Not sure. Either way I have to come up with something since I wrote a mail asking if he was working the days before work began in August and we have to figure out if I'm supposed to ask him anything or not.
I probably at this point need something to calm me down. I would say I don't think I've ever been this stressed, but that's a lie. Part of my nature makes me chase things down that I want and not give up until there's clearly no hope. Then if it doesn't go my way I get very frustrated. My grandmother told me I seem persistent and if you want to make it work, it'll work. Funny she used the word "persistent." She's the exact same way! I guess that word runs in the family.
We have spent the past week discussing the student visa, but OH's writing score is 2 points below the mark to get into the teaching degree at the universities and he doesn't want to go under the one the university suggested since it's not a teaching degree, but would qualify him subject wise in one subject. I tried to suggest he switch out once we get settled or to retake the correct test which would also be the correct test for immigration anyways.
I'm more for going for the student visa since I can get a working visa out of it, but OH feels it's too much money to fork out and not worth it. He's also afraid we won't have enough money to show immigration. Apparently we would need to pay the 1st year fees of university (international fees) and he has to show 10000 per year the degree is so roughly another 30000 (if it's the 3 year degree) and then it's questionable how much money he has to show for me. We've called immigration two times and can't get an answer on what we should calculate for. I guess they don't really want to put a number on it and decide it individually, but we can't afford to pay the school fee and then not get the visa. We might just make the bare mark, but I think we'd make it. I even thought if I could go on a student visa and do the one year ECE degree which then qualifies me in the correct category this time, but then what will OH do for that year?
Putting aside the student visa for a bit, I did hear from two Early Childhood Centres. One wrote and asked me to send copies of my NZQA assessment and NZTC registration. I took that as a good sign, but maybe it's common they ask for all applicants. I scanned them and emailed them directly back. Then I decided to follow up with a phone call that I felt went well, but it wasn't this lady hiring. She did ask a lot of questions though which might be good. Apparently the area is in the middle of nowhere, but I said we'd be happy with that (which we would - we won't dare complain if we can get any offer), and it seems to have a great benefit package. She did ask when I could move as their teacher was leaving in August. Well that sure is a tricky question for me. I said possibly the end of August as I know that's how long our ITA has been extended to in order to give us more time. The tricky part is I already am a teacher in a job with 3 months notice I have to give. I am not sure they would really let me go with such short notice. The only part I might have on my side is if I get an answer if I get the job before I actually get the class I'm supposed to teach because I know my job would probably me rather not start teaching a class if there's a chance I leave in the middle, but then again they might not care. So I'd be at the mercy of my boss and would have to beg to leave. Of course I'd also try to see how long the employer would hold out, but it seems August was the date they were talking about. Of course this is all hypotetical. I got no indication they were seriously considering me. I did write in my letter that if I was a serious candidate and all it took was to meet me to make a decision I would fly there.
Now we're off on holidays tomorrow running the risk a job comes through asking me to fly there. I'm willing of course to do it if that's the deciding point, but of course then comes the worry how I get out of my contract here. I even started thinking (of course not seriously, but still it ran through my head in a panic), can they chase me out of the country if I just leave?
The other Early Childcare centre is better located - Wellington. They asked me to fill in an application pack which I received or saw in my mail today with an apology note it was late. Well I didn't know it was late as I'm sent my cv to so many places I can't keep track. I figured I'd read thoroughly up on them if they show an interest in interviewing me. Of course I've read up on the teaching curriculum since that's my area for any job I've applied for. So I sent the package back, again scanned in and emailed with a letter explaining why I would be good for their organisation. I wrote a reminder if I could hear from them during the week if I was a serious candidate I would gladly fly there, but I'd have to do it before I went back to work and I gave the date.
So there's lots of worries in this process - worries what if I do get called to go on an interview as I will be going by myself, what if I get the job how do I manage to tell my boss I've been given this ultimatum with the visa and hope he can understand and let me go, what if I do go and don't get the job the amount of money that was spent which could have been put towards the studying visa, etc, etc.
When OH and I first discussed the student visa the plan was I'd go in and ask my boss to take a leave of absence for one year in January or in worse case June. Then we started calculating and we're not sure we can show immigration we have enough funds. Like I said I know OH is also thinking the course is simply too much.
You know I even looked at Australia thinking what if I can get in there and later move to New Zealand even though NZ is where we want. But no, apparently there's only two choices on their application which doesn't allow you to go further and that was when it came to work experience. Again, I have the points, but there you must be in this category and primary school teachers are not it.
So we're off tomorrow for what is supposed to be a 12 day trip and I don't know whether to hope a job asks me to fly to NZ or not. I don't know if it's rude to and ask (that is if I'm asked to fly) if I'm a candidate that they want to hire and this is the deciding factor, because then I'll gladly do it, but if I'm just one in a bunch of applicants they already have and it's procedure then it's too much money to fork out for a last minute trip. I might not have to even worry about making this kind of decision - who knows.
By the time I go back to work any mails that come asking me to come for an interview just won't be possible to follow up on since I can't ask for time off work. Well I could, but I think I'll have to see if I can get OH to go for the student visa instead. Our other thought was ask tell my boss now that our plan for next summer is to visit NZ and since we are considering to live there, I want to look for a job. Then to ask permission if I found a job would he consider letting me out of my contract "early." This way he's being told a year in advance what we want to do and can have a heads up. Not sure. Either way I have to come up with something since I wrote a mail asking if he was working the days before work began in August and we have to figure out if I'm supposed to ask him anything or not.
I probably at this point need something to calm me down. I would say I don't think I've ever been this stressed, but that's a lie. Part of my nature makes me chase things down that I want and not give up until there's clearly no hope. Then if it doesn't go my way I get very frustrated. My grandmother told me I seem persistent and if you want to make it work, it'll work. Funny she used the word "persistent." She's the exact same way! I guess that word runs in the family.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Well.... the inevitable happened
We received our case worker and it wasn't long before we were told our points don't match up. I do not have an Early Childhood degree or Early Childhood working experience, therefore, I cannot claim the bonus points and we don't have enough points without a job offer to get a visa to New Zealand. We are now being given until the end of August to obtain a job offer or get declined officially. I have sent my cv around the entire of New Zealand to those looking for teachers and those who are not in the hopes someone will want me. I'm following up on old leads explaining the situation. I've also offered to start work if need be immediately and I've no idea realistically how that will work with my current employer. I do plan to talk to them if I get an offer and I have a solution - doesn't mean they will like it, but any chance of employment gets us the visa and I can't turn it down.
The other option we are looking at right now is OH applying for a student visa which is going to cost a fortune. Not the visa itself is the cost, but having to prove we have the funds for living and pay the first year of university at international costs which are a fortune. We can do it, it's not fully impossible, but takes away our safety net of savings we have built up the past three and a half years. I would expect to get a job once there, dropping OH down to domestic fees for second year. The main problem with this is I would have to ask for time off in the middle of the year from my job, but I suppose I'm at least following my contract and they will get their minimum three months notice. We're just very worried since we can't get an answer from immigration how much we need to prove we actually have. OH is also very hesistant to apply for this visa at all since it's simply too much money.
I will keep applying for jobs in the meantime and hope someone wants to meet me before I have to go back to work, otherwise, our dream will have to lie on ice permanently it feels like. So I am so sad and this is all I can think of. I think we've exhausted every possible option we have and can afford.
The other option we are looking at right now is OH applying for a student visa which is going to cost a fortune. Not the visa itself is the cost, but having to prove we have the funds for living and pay the first year of university at international costs which are a fortune. We can do it, it's not fully impossible, but takes away our safety net of savings we have built up the past three and a half years. I would expect to get a job once there, dropping OH down to domestic fees for second year. The main problem with this is I would have to ask for time off in the middle of the year from my job, but I suppose I'm at least following my contract and they will get their minimum three months notice. We're just very worried since we can't get an answer from immigration how much we need to prove we actually have. OH is also very hesistant to apply for this visa at all since it's simply too much money.
I will keep applying for jobs in the meantime and hope someone wants to meet me before I have to go back to work, otherwise, our dream will have to lie on ice permanently it feels like. So I am so sad and this is all I can think of. I think we've exhausted every possible option we have and can afford.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Waiting for post
The same day we got the letter from INZ I called the police of my country of citizenship and I asked them how to go about getting the letter of good citizenship or whatever it is and they told me what I needed to do. I faxed them all the information and posted the original. Hopefully with the fax they start the process and when they get my originals they post out my form. OH will pick up the radiologist reports on Monday and we're off on our holidays on Friday so I'm not sure if my police report will arrive before then. Feels like it would be too good to be true, but I am hoping. We haven't heard from our case worker yet, but that's ok because I'd like to have these other forms in my hand so if she asks for more info we can send it all to her in one envelope. I would love to speed this process up, but again as long as they are still considering us and not denying us based on points, I'm happy to wait (or happy is an exaggeration, but I'm willing :p)
We had a night out with friends last night which was fun. Beautiful weather leaving their place at 3am! It was a beautiful evening and so hard to believe that was Stockholm. So it's a lazy day for us today - movie and no mails to be expecting :)
We had a night out with friends last night which was fun. Beautiful weather leaving their place at 3am! It was a beautiful evening and so hard to believe that was Stockholm. So it's a lazy day for us today - movie and no mails to be expecting :)
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Ok so today after coming home from having coffee with a friend there is a letter from INZ on my table which my husband had opened. It says "further information required." It says we are missing two radiologist reports, but pointing out that in addition to the forms it's supposed to be a separate letter on the radiologists letterhead! It doesn't say that anywhere on the medical forms otherwise I would have requested that when I went there not five months later. In addition, I don't know the lab office will even do that for us, but we did fax them the request and hope that tomorrow the lady will be able to help us.
Then I needed to request a police certificate. Ok, that part was my fault. I thought I was only supposed to supply for countries I lived for more than 12 months in the past ten years. I didn't realise I was supposed to send one from my country of citizenship too. So spend a good 30 minutes trying to contact them and tell them my request. They were very nice so I faxed them my request and sent the original as well. I'm not sure we'll get this paper before we go on holidays next Friday, but I can always hope.
I'm finding it strange I even got assigned a CO if there was paperwork missing. I wonder if she's aware of these requests as well. In the meantime, I'm going to try get this lab paper to avoid any delay on our application.
If we get this visa, I'm never moving to another country again. It is very stressful not having phone contact to be able to ask questions directly and then email sometimes gets misunderstood and waiting days for a response is frustrating. Again, breath and patience - neither of which I have :p
Then I needed to request a police certificate. Ok, that part was my fault. I thought I was only supposed to supply for countries I lived for more than 12 months in the past ten years. I didn't realise I was supposed to send one from my country of citizenship too. So spend a good 30 minutes trying to contact them and tell them my request. They were very nice so I faxed them my request and sent the original as well. I'm not sure we'll get this paper before we go on holidays next Friday, but I can always hope.
I'm finding it strange I even got assigned a CO if there was paperwork missing. I wonder if she's aware of these requests as well. In the meantime, I'm going to try get this lab paper to avoid any delay on our application.
If we get this visa, I'm never moving to another country again. It is very stressful not having phone contact to be able to ask questions directly and then email sometimes gets misunderstood and waiting days for a response is frustrating. Again, breath and patience - neither of which I have :p
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
We have been assigned our CO!!!
Wow, now it's a bit more exciting. We've been assigned a CO who wrote to us explaining she is expecting to go through our application within the next ten days and to please allow her the 10 days before contacting her. After the ten days we are to feel free to write an email. Since we are going on holidays before the 10 working days we are taking every bit of paperwork we think we might be asked for. For example, more proof of our living together at the same address, original copy of my Teaching Council papers, original copy of OH's TOEFL results, joint bank account (although we only have a savings account together and it's me that does all the transfers into it, but both our names are at least on the savings account) and I will even print off copies of jobs I have applied for all showing interest in me, but stating that I need to be in New Zealand first and with the correct visa. Crossing our fingers now that anything else we need to provide can be asked for before we go on holidays so as not to hold up our application any longer.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
officially lodged
Our application is now officially lodged on the homepage for INZ. I just wonder how long it will take now to get a case officer to deal with our application. I'm genuinely hoping that we can get an answer before I have to go back to work in August. We are hoping we can move by December if we would be lucky enough to get a visa. In the meantime we're back from our first set of holidays and will be going on holidays again in a few weeks.
When we got home from our holidays yesterday OH's TOEFL papers had arrived finally and my papers from the Teaching Council also arrived so if we are now asked for originals we can send them off. So fingers still crossed for us - really hoping for something positive to come out of this whole process :)
When we got home from our holidays yesterday OH's TOEFL papers had arrived finally and my papers from the Teaching Council also arrived so if we are now asked for originals we can send them off. So fingers still crossed for us - really hoping for something positive to come out of this whole process :)
Friday, 8 July 2011
Nerve wrecking wait and we've only begun....
Of course after sending in our application, now the thoughts started going through my head "what happens if we get denied because I'm a primary school teacher and not an ECE teacher?" First we were hoping for permanent residency from the start. Now we're simply hoping to at least get the WTR visa since I know I can get a job without any trouble once in NZ. I sent my cv off for many jobs, but all reply with the same thing..... how great my cv looks and when I'm in NZ to contact them. The interest is big, but I can't get an offer from this side. Since my husband is studying, we are relying only on my salary so to give up my job and go for a holiday in the hopes to get a job and then apply for a visa isn't something we can do so to go there we do need to get approved for one of the types of visas so he can continue his studies at the domestic rate.
Well I know it's simply a waiting period and there isn't anything I can do about it ahead of time. I only hope I get the chance to get a case worker and show the replies I got from Early Childhood centres.
Well I know it's simply a waiting period and there isn't anything I can do about it ahead of time. I only hope I get the chance to get a case worker and show the replies I got from Early Childhood centres.
Friday, 1 July 2011
ITA officially sent in
Two papers or not, we took our chance and sent our ITA in anyway since we were going away on our holidays with proof printed out from TOEFL's homepage of OH's results and the date he ordered another copy. For my part I sent in email copies of my results from The Teaching Council so we are now officially waiting for a CO to be assigned and hopefully a positive answer shortly and hopefully the English paper that never arrived home before we went on holidays doesn't cause a problem.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Teaching Council approved!
Wohoo! I woke up this morning to an email saying my papers have been approved (finally) and they will be sending out the letter this week. Finally they are done and we're getting very close to being able to send in our entire package. The only thing is we're off on our holidays on Saturday and I don't think it this paper and OH's TOEFL paper will arrive before then so I guess we won't be sending our application off until the middle of July when we return home. I guess as long as both papers safely arrive, that's what counts more than me getting it sent off on the deadline I chose. We might even overnight the package when we do get it all together, but that isn't decided yet as here the post (in general) works really well and things get delivered pretty quickly anyway. So registered will probably work just fine.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
still waiting on two papers - the longest wait
Through this whole process I thought it was the waiting for immigration that should be difficult. I haven't even gotten to the waiting part for immigration because we're still waiting for OH's TOEFL paper result to come back and my Teaching Council registration to be finished. At least OH got in touch with Toefl who has agreed to send another copy to him at no additional charge today since it got sent from the States on the 13th of May. Who can believe the post can take that long? My auntie just sent me flip flops leaving the States last week and they've already arrived so I can't believe a paper can take this long. I'm beginning to question the postal system on this side since I also have a letter from within Sweden that should have arrived and didn't. Normally post here is next day delivery, max two days. We're heading off on our camping/hiking trip in Jylland, Denmark next Saturday so really really these papers need to arrive before our holiday so I can get it sent off. Otherwise, it'll be something I'm thinking about on our holiday and the first thing I'll be looking for when we get back from Denmark on the 15th of July. Doing lots of other things to keep myself busy, but of course this is the distraction I'm using to keep my mind off the other things. Really want things to be on our side or I should say my side since my husband is such a relaxed person anyway and doesn't get himself stressed at all compared to me. At least a lovely summer ahead of us with a camping/hiking trip in Denmark, some days back here in Sweden before we're off to Poland with some friends of ours and their lovely little girls whom I adore and who OH loves playing with too!
picture credit given to: http://leeweisong.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/holidays-courses-coming-up/
picture credit given to: http://leeweisong.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/holidays-courses-coming-up/
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Still waiting....and hoping....

assigned a CO and get an interview this summer holiday and know our answer. I go back to work teaching in August here, so would have been very nice knowing going back that I wouldn't have to be there an entire year. Of course I also need time to ask for a leave of absence which is my first plan so I can hold my benefits while moving.
I should probably add that immigration wrote a letter to the doctor's office explaining they are to release my records to me and that it is Australia that does not allow the records be released to their patients. The next work day the doctor's office called me and I went and picked up both of our medical records.
Monday, 23 May 2011
NZQA has finally arrived
I received my papers back from NZQA today. They have assessed my bachelor's to a level 7 - outcome: A bachelor degree at level 7 (360 credits). My master's was assessed to a level 8. Outcome. A qualifcation of level 8. (120 credits).
Comments: The Bachelor of Science degree contains core components of a New Zealand Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary Education).
Within the papers they typed up (keeping in mind, my original degree from the States is Elementary & Special Education beginning from pre-k -grade 6, respectively pre-k to grade 12), they mentioned that in NZ there is no initial teacher education qualifications in the area of special education. Specialist Education Teachers are, generally required to train first as teachers and then qualify in spcial education. So first they obtain a teaching qualification and then go into special education. So they didn't accept the special education part as being a qualified special ed. teacher as far as I can understand. But they also put "NZQA does, however, recognise that there are many components in your studies that are similiar to those taken in teacher education courses in NZ and has added a comment to your report that states you have core components of a NZ Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary Education) within the content of your qualification." I think that is really only confirming they agree my degree is as a primary school teacher?
Comments: The Bachelor of Science degree contains core components of a New Zealand Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary Education).
Within the papers they typed up (keeping in mind, my original degree from the States is Elementary & Special Education beginning from pre-k -grade 6, respectively pre-k to grade 12), they mentioned that in NZ there is no initial teacher education qualifications in the area of special education. Specialist Education Teachers are, generally required to train first as teachers and then qualify in spcial education. So first they obtain a teaching qualification and then go into special education. So they didn't accept the special education part as being a qualified special ed. teacher as far as I can understand. But they also put "NZQA does, however, recognise that there are many components in your studies that are similiar to those taken in teacher education courses in NZ and has added a comment to your report that states you have core components of a NZ Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary Education) within the content of your qualification." I think that is really only confirming they agree my degree is as a primary school teacher?
Now NZQA also attached a note saying that "from 1 Nov 2010, NZ qualified and registered primary teachers in ECE services can be counted for funding purposes. Overseas-trained teachers who have had their qualifications evaluated by NZQA as comparable to NZ primary qualification and who are then registered by NZTC are deemed to be NZ qualified adn registered primary teachers for the purposes of this initiative."
I am still waiting for my papers from the Teaching Council.
Now I wonder, with my degree now being assessed as a primary school teacher, yet I have applied under Early Childhood for immigration purposes, can immigration now take points away because on my application on question where I marked yes for:
"Are you claiming points for a qualification in one of the areas of absolute skills shortage?"
If that is the case will they still make a decision based on all my other paperwork sent in or can they send my case back to the pool even though I've already been sent an ITA from them and will be sending it back? The first time immigration denied me those points, but I sent a paper back from my school showing it does cover Early Childhood ages as well so it got accepted.
The new law in NZ allows primary school teachers to work in ECE so I am allowed to apply for jobs in ECE.
According to the Ministry of Education homepage they have written the following regarding primary school teachers. I suppose I can use this to help my case if it becomes a problem with immigration?
"The Government is committed to recognising the broad range of skills and knowledge primary qualified teachers can bring to early childhood education (ECE). These changes ensure that these teachers will be recognised through funding to ECE services.
The Government has set aside $19.5 million over four years to cover the additional cost of recognising New Zealand qualified and registered primary teachers in ECE services for funding purposes. From 1 November 2010, New Zealand qualified and registered primary teachers in ECE services can be counted for funding purposes. This means that registered primary teachers can be included in the staff hour count. An ECE service that employs a New Zealand qualified and registered primary teacher may be eligible for higher funding rates."
I know I can sit and wonder and until my ITA gets sent back to immigration, I won't know the definite answer.
Submitted EOI: 05/04/2011
EOI selected: 06/04/2011
EOI Decision Successful: 28/04/2011
Invitation to apply: arrived in post 29/04/2011
NZQA submitted: 12/04/2011
Submitted EOI: 05/04/2011
EOI selected: 06/04/2011
EOI Decision Successful: 28/04/2011
Invitation to apply: arrived in post 29/04/2011
NZQA submitted: 12/04/2011
NZQA received: 23/05/2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Well my papers are on the way back from New Zealand and I'm expecting them to arrive this week. I've also written to the Teaching Council since I had received a mail saying they confirmed receiving my application the 10th of May, to see if there's any chance of getting my papers back sooner from them rather than the 4-6 weeks their standard letter says.
I picked up my I passport this past Friday. Another document that's been out of my hand for weeks since I needed to update my name change on it since getting married so I couldn't wait to get it back. I still hadn't received the phone call from the embassy when finished work to say it had arrived so I decided to go wait in the embassy until DHL arrived, but turned out when I got off the bus, I got the call from the embassy to say it had arrived! While there I even made sure to get a certified copy so I can send that off with our ITA application - didn't even need to pay for it!
The medical process itself was easy, painless and quick ..... until I told them I need my papers back to send in with my application. The doctor's office has refused saying they will post them directly to immigration as they "always" do. I knew they had no experience with NZ since first they had an address in Germany where they were going to post the medicals and second they kept mentioning Australia. I tried forwarding an email I got from immigration confirming it was me that was supposed to send back the medicals, but no that didn't seem to work. I wrote to immigration (in London) to explain the problem I am having getting my medicals back and they have now written a nice letter to the doctor/office explaining it's Australia where the papers are not to be returned to the patients, not NZ. They requested the doctor to get in touch with me and return my medicals. So tomorrow I'll see if the doctor's agrees. It's not a big worry in itself because in worse case senario, I can take my application when it's complete to the doctor's office and let them put the medicals in their and watch them post it. Still, I'd really like to just get them myself and post them.
I'm so excited and can't wait to get everything back so it can all be posted back and then the real waiting process begins!
I picked up my I passport this past Friday. Another document that's been out of my hand for weeks since I needed to update my name change on it since getting married so I couldn't wait to get it back. I still hadn't received the phone call from the embassy when finished work to say it had arrived so I decided to go wait in the embassy until DHL arrived, but turned out when I got off the bus, I got the call from the embassy to say it had arrived! While there I even made sure to get a certified copy so I can send that off with our ITA application - didn't even need to pay for it!
The medical process itself was easy, painless and quick ..... until I told them I need my papers back to send in with my application. The doctor's office has refused saying they will post them directly to immigration as they "always" do. I knew they had no experience with NZ since first they had an address in Germany where they were going to post the medicals and second they kept mentioning Australia. I tried forwarding an email I got from immigration confirming it was me that was supposed to send back the medicals, but no that didn't seem to work. I wrote to immigration (in London) to explain the problem I am having getting my medicals back and they have now written a nice letter to the doctor/office explaining it's Australia where the papers are not to be returned to the patients, not NZ. They requested the doctor to get in touch with me and return my medicals. So tomorrow I'll see if the doctor's agrees. It's not a big worry in itself because in worse case senario, I can take my application when it's complete to the doctor's office and let them put the medicals in their and watch them post it. Still, I'd really like to just get them myself and post them.
I'm so excited and can't wait to get everything back so it can all be posted back and then the real waiting process begins!
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Family tree
When we made our decision to apply for the EOI (Expression of Interest) to New Zealand, we told my grandmother (my dad's mom). She said you have cousins who live there. I thought no way - she can't be right. I never heard of anyone in our family being from New Zealand. She got in touch with my grandfather's sister and true enough I have distant cousins living in New Zealand. I, of course, got in touch with one of them (JF) and soon enough, one of the others got in touch with me (YF). I was so excited. First I love knowing my family heritage especially going so far back and second it is so nice to have some sort of connection to where we want to move to! Well just like I'd already heard about all New Zealanders they are both so friendly, offering advice, saying anything they can do to help to let them know, etc. They were all open arms and welcoming and now looking forward to meeting us. So now we have at least two and maybe up to 11 family members to visit there. There are I believe 9 of them, with children and grandchildren. I've had contact with two of them so far. Here I was all worried my story would sound crazy when I made the call to JF the first time. Of course though when I started dropping names, she knew who I was talking about.
Now let's see if I can get the story written down properly. My grandfather's great grandparents (W.F. & M.D.) were relations to my cousins now living in New Zealand (JF & YF).
W.F. & M.D. had 4 children, 3 who went to New Zealand (P, M & Mi) and one who stayed in Ireland (J). M was JF & YF's great grandmother and J was my great great grandfather. Confused yet? Well, it might not be a direct connection, but what a small world it is and we are connected.
Now let's see if I can get the story written down properly. My grandfather's great grandparents (W.F. & M.D.) were relations to my cousins now living in New Zealand (JF & YF).
W.F. & M.D. had 4 children, 3 who went to New Zealand (P, M & Mi) and one who stayed in Ireland (J). M was JF & YF's great grandmother and J was my great great grandfather. Confused yet? Well, it might not be a direct connection, but what a small world it is and we are connected.
picture from: davidandcarole.info
Monday, 16 May 2011
Feelings of....
First excitement as we got our EOI chosen the day after sending it in.
Disappointment as they told us I calculated the points wrong that I sent in and we would be put back in the pool. I have a teaching degree Elementary School pre-k to grade 6 and Special Education pre-k to grade 12, but I applied under the Early Childhood Category which is considered 0-5 years of age in NZ. My degree starts in the middle of that. I sent in a letter from my university saying my degree was pre-k, etc. to London Branch to the guy who was saying we would be put back in the pool. OH is studying to be a teacher so no points collected on his part.
Shock/excitement as I received an email saying thank you for the letter (from the university) and they were pleased to send us an ITA (application to apply).
Excitement as all papers were sent off to NZQA - decided to get one of my passports updated with my name after getting married. Didn't realise it would take a long time (or at least feels that way).
Impatience as the NZQA is really taking the 35 working days they state (shouldn't shock me, but it does).
Scared as I'm finding out many things about Early Childhood and how there's a risk my degree doesn't get approved under that category since it starts in the middle and not from birth.
Worried - what if it doesn't get approved under the Early Childhood Category from NZQA - what will immigration do?
More impatience as I wonder - as long as immigration doesn't deny us some sort of visa whether it be WTR or even better PR we'll be grateful - we're sure we can make it work.
Yeah! 16/05/2011 - NZQA has completed the evaluation, now I just need to wait for their quality check and for them to sign off and notify me. Soon we can get the ball rolling for real....
Disappointment as they told us I calculated the points wrong that I sent in and we would be put back in the pool. I have a teaching degree Elementary School pre-k to grade 6 and Special Education pre-k to grade 12, but I applied under the Early Childhood Category which is considered 0-5 years of age in NZ. My degree starts in the middle of that. I sent in a letter from my university saying my degree was pre-k, etc. to London Branch to the guy who was saying we would be put back in the pool. OH is studying to be a teacher so no points collected on his part.
Shock/excitement as I received an email saying thank you for the letter (from the university) and they were pleased to send us an ITA (application to apply).
Excitement as all papers were sent off to NZQA - decided to get one of my passports updated with my name after getting married. Didn't realise it would take a long time (or at least feels that way).
Impatience as the NZQA is really taking the 35 working days they state (shouldn't shock me, but it does).
Scared as I'm finding out many things about Early Childhood and how there's a risk my degree doesn't get approved under that category since it starts in the middle and not from birth.
Worried - what if it doesn't get approved under the Early Childhood Category from NZQA - what will immigration do?
More impatience as I wonder - as long as immigration doesn't deny us some sort of visa whether it be WTR or even better PR we'll be grateful - we're sure we can make it work.
Yeah! 16/05/2011 - NZQA has completed the evaluation, now I just need to wait for their quality check and for them to sign off and notify me. Soon we can get the ball rolling for real....
Dates of Importance
Submitted EOI: 5 April 2011
EOI selected on: 6 April 2011
EOI Decision Successful: 28 April 2011
Invitation to apply: arrived in post 29 April 2011
NZQA submitted: 12 April 2011
NZQA received back: 23 May 2011
Teaching Council submitted: 10 May 2011 (too bad I didn't know to send it away sooner)
Teaching Council received back: ??
Medical completed by principal applicant: 09 May 2011
Medical completed by partner: 17 May 2011
Medicals received back:23 May 2011
ITA submitted: goal end of May, beginning of June 2011
ITA received on INZ's side: 28 June 2011
Medical completed on INZ's side: 14 July 2011
Received email from CO officer: 19 July 2011
Received what was needed to attach to ITA: September 2011
Approved in Principle: October 13, 2011
EOI selected on: 6 April 2011
EOI Decision Successful: 28 April 2011
Invitation to apply: arrived in post 29 April 2011
NZQA submitted: 12 April 2011
NZQA received back: 23 May 2011
Teaching Council submitted: 10 May 2011 (too bad I didn't know to send it away sooner)
Teaching Council received back: ??
Medical completed by principal applicant: 09 May 2011
Medical completed by partner: 17 May 2011
Medicals received back:23 May 2011
ITA submitted: goal end of May, beginning of June 2011
ITA received on INZ's side: 28 June 2011
Medical completed on INZ's side: 14 July 2011
Received email from CO officer: 19 July 2011
Received what was needed to attach to ITA: September 2011
Approved in Principle: October 13, 2011
picture from: http://www.kunskapsbloggen.se/2010/04/09/veckans-datum-i-historien/
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